Meet The Team

Linda Richards a.k.a. "The Angel Lady"
Hello, I'm Linda aka, "The Angel Lady". I'm a people person and enjoy serving people as unto the Lord. I love to bake homemade treats and laugh - even laugh at myself! Serving is a lifestyle that is therapeutic for me. There's no place I'd rather be than in the perfect will of God. I get to live out my assignment and it brings me great joy!

Diana Doyle
I am blessed to be part of Angels of Destiny. It is a joy to get to serve the Lord with such an amazing group of women.

Clara Compton a.k.a. "Mama Clara"
Hello, I'm Mama Clara! I'm 89 years young and I love to make angels for Angels of Destiny! I started making and praying over angels in 2013. Every year I make thousands of angels, I average 5000 a year. It does my heart so good to know that I'm making a difference in the lives of ill people. Would you like to parnter with me and help keep me out of trouble? You can do so by purchasing supplies off of the Wish List!

Kathryn Doyle
I am blessed to be part of Angels of Destiny. It is a joy to get to serve the Lord with such an amazing group of women.

My name is Tanya and I have been with this ministry since 2009. When I met Ms. Linda, we started making Angels with her at my church. I have been with her ever since. I enjoy this ministry very much. It gives me a sense of joy in my heart. To see the smiling faces of the recipients of our angels and the cards they get overwhelms me with joy.

Arlene Broderick
Soon after my husband passed in 2017, Linda, who I met through Facebook, invited me to join Angels of Destiny. She told me that serving and ministering to others would help me to get my mind off of myself. She was right! I have been so blessed to get to serve/ minister to others, and I love these ladies.
Tinamarie Hedinger
We have partnered with AOD for several years. The expressions on the faces of the recipients are priceless! Kindness is greatly needed in today's world. The gift of an angel and a smile goes a long way. There are plenty of things to invest in but few are fruitful like AOD. I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me. Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or naked and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and visit you? And the king will answer them, ‘I tell you the truth, just as you did it for one of the least of these brothers or sisters of mine, you did it for me. ’Mathew 25: 36-40

Angels of Destiny Volunteers, Past & Missed
Our sweet Jan has served Angels of Destiny since the beginning. Jan is a people person and never meets a stranger. Her angels were made with care and perfection. Her cakes were the highlight of the dinners, especially her "trademark " cake. She is currently ill and no longer able to serve with us. Her presence is greatly missed. It was an honor to serve with my amazing friend and sister in Christ. Love and miss her dearly.
Angels of Destiny Memorial Page

Join Our Mission As A Volunteer
If you would like to join us a volunteer and help bring joy, love, and hope to countless struggling individuals around the country, please get in touch on the email address or phone number below, or fill out the VOLUNTEER FORM.