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Angels of Destiny Memorial Page

In honor and remembrance of our volunteers past.


Bob was a veteran, he served AOD for several years along side his sweet wife Jan. He enjoyed painting and packing angels. The highlight of his volunteering was visiting the his brothers at the VA hospital. Bob would always find someone who served during the time he served. Right then and there would be a reunion. We knew to leave him and his new brother along and retrieve him at the end of the visit. Not only did Bob served his country but he served his family, church and his Lord and Savior, Jesus! Thank you for your service, sir!


Ms. June was a jewel of a lady! For several years she was the "Angel of the Year". She served in perfection to the very last angel she made. If you were trying to make an angel and didn't make it according to her standards she would let you hear about. 

She was like a drill sergeant, but we loved her! The members of the group had a secert name for her, Sergeant or Serg for short. After every workday she would ask me, "how many angels did you have to throw away today?" "I wish grown people would follow simple instructions, these angels are to cheer people up not depress them".   



To say that Renee had a hard life would truly be an understatement Renee endured abuse, neglect and multiple health conditions. Through it all she never lost her joy and thrived to make people happy. Angel making was the perfect outlet for her. A friend recommended that she start painting angels. It was while painting angels for AOD that she received Jesus as her Lord and Savior. A year later she meet Jesus and real angels. 


Our coffee drinking sister was such a joy to AOD. Gloria loved the Lord, people and coffee! She had no problem drinking coffee in the Texas 100+ degrees. There was always joy when Gloria was in the room. You could sense the Holy Spirit when Gloria was ministering to our Spansih speaking friends. Even if you didn't understand Spanish you knew she was connected to the Father. 



Diane use to paint ceramic angels with great detail. Life was rough for her as she battled multiple health conditions. She knew the importance of someone showing a little kindness. So so decided to be that person! She made sure all of her angels had their own "personality". I recall a mother requesting an angel for her little daughter who had lost an eye to cancer. Diane created a beautiful one eyed angel for the little girl! Today, the one eyed angel brings the mother a sense of comfort as her daughter is no longer with us. 


Ms. June was a jewel of a lady! For several years she was the "Angel of the Year". She served in perfection to the very last angel she made. If you were trying to make an angel and didn't make it according to her standards she would let you hear about. 

She was like a drill sergeant, but we loved her! The members of the group had a secert name for her, Sergeant or Serg for short. After every workday she would ask me, "how many angels did you have to throw away today?" "I wish grown people would follow simple instructions, these angels are to cheer people up not depress them".   

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